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Coffee 101: Grinding, Roasting, Brewing

How do you like your coffee? Do you prefer espresso to a French Roast? What about the beans: do you buy whole bean or already ground coffee? We speak to a couple local coffee experts about the world's

Coffee 101: Grinding, Roasting, Brewing

Originally aired on March 25, 2008.

Maureen Cavanaugh : For many of us, preparing and drinking coffee is a morning ritual. We like the smell of freshly ground coffee, we anxiously await the taste of that first cup of morning joe, and we're grateful for the boost caffeine gives us, in fact some days, we’re a lot more than grateful.


While we coffee-drinkers can agree that it's our morning beverage of choice, we differ on the kind of coffee we like best, and on the different ways to prepare it.
