Originally aired on June 11, 2008.
Maureen Cavanaugh: Musician Gregory Page walked a long road before arriving in San Diego. His mother was a musician in Britain, and a member of an early girl-band called the Beatchicks. His father, well, you'll hear that story in a few minutes.
Page studied classical guitar at London's Trinity College before he moved to Southern California. He set up housekeeping in San Diego and performed with Steve Poltz as a member of the The Rugburns. Now he is a solo artist, mostly. He's a prolific composer who's come out with 16 albums.
Last summer, Tom Fudge interviewed Page about his new album, All Make Believe . Page was joined in studio by two musical friends, vocalist Erika Davies and violinist Ray Suen. They start out by performing All Make Believe .
- Gregory Page, prolific and acclaimed singer-songwriter in San Diego. His new album is called All Make Believe .
- Erika Davies, vocalist who occasionally performs with Page.
- Ray Suen, violinist. He is now a touring member of the rock band The Killers .