A group of policy makers wants to give the California constitution a make-over.
They held a summit in Sacramento Tuesday to discuss a constitutional convention.
They talked about lengthening the terms of elected officials... and decreasing the number of votes needed to pass a state budget.
Summit leader Jim Wunderman is with the Bay Area Council. He says it's time to get creative.
Wunderman: "lets take a look at the government system we have and analyze it and look at alternatives…look at what other states use…and what we might use and maybe come up with another system of government that serves California well in the 21st century. That doesn't seem to me to be a great reach…"
But, there's some disagreement about HOW to set-up a convention. Some supporters want a convention started through a voter initiative or by getting lawmakers to put it on the ballot.... while others say it's better to create a citizens committee.