California lawmakers still have more than a dozen budget-related bills to take action on despite having passed a $92 billion dollar spending plan last week.
The so-called trailer bills yet to pass include differences Governor Jerry Brown has with legislative Democrats over welfare and childcare spending.
But Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg said negotiations continue and the two sides are only a few hundred million dollars apart. He said he hopes to finish the budget bills this week.
"So there's still some work going on, rather than just send them all down, we wanted to take another couple of days and make sure when we do go to our floor, that we have an agreement with the Governor and everything is finaled up," said Steinberg.
Republicans claim the budget isn't balanced, is full of gimmicks and would rely too much on the Governor's November tax measure.
It's the second budget lawmakers have passed using their new majority-vote authority under Proposition 25.
Brown has until June 27 to act on the spending plan.