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'SdCashBoss' Drops Money In La Jolla, Gives Clues Via Twitter

Someone using the Twitter handle @SdCashBoss said all four of his envelopes of hidden cash were found in La Jolla on Friday.

"They were here about 5 min then found it," SdCashBoss said, describing the first finders as "some guy and girl with a dog."

"Thanks for the $50!!" was the reply. Our nephews' monkey Donno had fun looking!!" said a Tweet from @mollyjeanmenne, with a photo of a monkey doll next to an envelope with cash spilling out.


A second winner was identified as @NavalAv8or and was told: "CONGRATS & HAPPY 4TH"

Third and fourth finders came by 12:15 p.m. They displayed images showing envelopes that included the note "Happy 4th."

About 9 a.m., SdCashBoss had tweeted: "There will be 4 separate drops this morning. Get your running shoes ready."

The first drop was made south of the Children's Pool, one Tweet said.

Replying to one person, SdCashBoss said, "you've been so close! That Old Spice your wearing must be burning your eyes & u can't see? ... BTW: Old Spice is no longer Kewl!"


The mystery benefactor apparently is one of several leaving hidden cash in San Diego — and elsewhere in the country.

U-T San Diego in late May identified other leading local Twitter feeds in the craze as sdcashstash, HiddenCashSD, SDHiddenCash and MoolahHunter.

San Francisco-based HiddenCash started the fad in the Bay Area.