At inewsource, we love data. Because it is the best way to nail down facts for stories you can trust. And believe it or not, data can actually be fun.
To prove that, we are launching another website that pulls together data, maps, photos, videos, text — everything we use to tell stories — in one sleek-looking, responsive, easy-to-use place. It is called the inewsource Data Center.
We are starting small with this adventure. The center includes 10 of our most popular data sets. That means the data sets people have explored, probed and played around with the most over the past few years. These include vaccination rates, diversity maps, building complaints and poverty information. Eventually, the site will house dozens, hundreds and possibly thousands of new and unique data sets that we will mesh to uncover hidden trends and possible solutions to some of San Diego’s most pressing issues.
The inewsource Data Center was built not just to showcase our data chops but also to wrangle related stories and pieces of them into one easy-to-find location.
Take a minute to poke around.
What do you like? What does not work? Then, email with feedback.