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Top Stories: Judge Blocks Trump's DACA Decision; GOP Lawmakers Retiring

Good morning, here are our early stories:

-- Federal Judge Temporarily Blocks Trump's Decision To End DACA.

-- Supreme Court Hears Challenge To Ohio's 'Use-It Or Lose-It' Voter System.


-- How The Fusion GPS Founder's Testimony Fits In The Russia Saga.

-- GOP Retirements Hit Record Level Ahead Of Midterm Fight.

And here are more early headlines:

Mudslides Kill At Least 13 In Southern California. (Los Angeles Times)

Report: Democrats Warn Of Russian Interference In Europe. (AP)


Avalanche Danger Prompts Airlifts Out Of Alps. (Telegraph)

Libya Says Dozens Of Migrants Missing At Sea. (AFP)

Idaho Lawmaker Commits Suicide Amid Sexual Harassment Probe. (Idaho Statesman)

Report: Male Actor Got $1.5 Million For Movie Re-Shoot, Williams Got $1,000. (USA Today)

Rome's "Mangy" Christmas Tree To Be Cut Up For Souvenirs. (ANSA)

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