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CIRCUS: Down The Road

Acrobat Christian Atayde Stoinev from the legendary Big Apple Circus. Stoinev grew up performing in the circus. Circus performer from 1999 to 2009, Christian went to school at the One Ring School House that travels with the Big Apple Circus. Will college be his next step?
Courtesy of Gillian Laub
Acrobat Christian Atayde Stoinev from the legendary Big Apple Circus. Stoinev grew up performing in the circus. Circus performer from 1999 to 2009, Christian went to school at the One Ring School House that travels with the Big Apple Circus. Will college be his next step?

Airs Thursday, November 25, 2010 at 12 p.m. on KPBS TV

Gallery: Life On The Lot

View a photo gallery of candid images of the Big Apple Circus cast and crew at home and at rest.

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Watch the first two episodes of "CIRCUS" — "First of May" and "One Ring Family," then join the discussion and share your thoughts about the series.

Hit the road with "CIRCUS" and take an unforgettable trip with the legendary Big Apple Circus. From the big top to the “back lot” — where the real heart of the circus beats — explore a distinctive world with its own rules, lingo and no fixed address. Get involved with the diverse characters who make up the Big Apple family. Share their fears and frustrations, triumphs and failures and find out what it really means to live life in the ring. "CIRCUS" is a six-part series airing on KPBS Television.

"Down The Road" - Emotions run high as the circus season winds down. Many members of the cast and crew won’t be going back to Big Apple next season — some are heading to Europe; others are still trying to figure out what’s next. Some of the younger performers who have grown up in the circus consider leaving circus life. The night before the final shows, the crew puts on a traditional spoof called “Midnight Clowns” for the performers. The laughter is infectious and the partings bittersweet. As the trailers pull out of the lot and the tent comes down for the last time, we join in the time-honored circus farewell: not “goodbye,” but “see you down the road.”

"CIRCUS" is on Facebook, and you can follow @PBSCircus on Twitter.

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