Envision San Diego explores issues that affect those living and working in San Diego County. Hosted by Joanne Faryon, the Project Envision team sheds light on local concerns through extensive research and personal storytelling. You learn what's happening and why it’s happening. But we won't tell you what to think; we'll give you the facts and analysis that help you make informed choices.
"Changing Face of America" - America looks different than it did 10 years ago – it is more diverse, with a growing foreign-born population. In this documentary on the 2010 Census, we take a closer look at the demographic changes in the Southwest United States. We’ll take a trip along the Mexico-U.S. border and visit communities that are experiencing change; we’ll meet some of our country’s new immigrants; and learn more about why they came to America.
Watch the full episode. See more Envision San Diego.