Narrated by Robert Redford, this award-winning documentary explores one of America's greatest natural resources – San Francisco Bay. Shot in high definition, "Saving The Bay" consists of four one-hour episodes focusing on the geological, cultural, and developmental history of San Francisco Bay and the larger northern California watershed, from the Sierra Nevada mountains to the Farallon Islands in the Pacific Ocean.
The series explores the Bay’s evolution, how it was almost lost to development, and plans for the future, including wetland restoration, increased public access, and balancing the often competing needs of a fragile ecosystem that is the centerpiece of a major urban area.
Episode One: "Marvel Of Nature (Prehistory - 1848)" - Through photo-realistic animation we experience how the Bay was created following the last Ice Age. We then meet Native Peoples along the Bay’s shores 3,000 years ago and continue through European exploration and settlement, including Spanish, Russian and ultimately, American influences.
"Saving The Bay" is on Facebook.
UP Next:
Episode Two: "Harbor Of Harbors (1849-1906)" will air on Tuesday, August 23 at 11 p.m.
Episode Three: "Miracle Workers (1906 — 1959)" will air on Monday, August 29 at 11 p.m.
Episode Four: "Save The Bay! (1960 — Present)" will air on Tuesday, August 30 at 11 p.m.