"PBS Newshour" presents a one-hour special broadcast commemorating the 10th anniversary of the attacks of September 11, 2001. The "PBS Newshour" team will examine the significance of the day in many different communities across the nation.
Hari Sreenivasan will narrate an account of the three major memorial observances at Ground Zero in New York City, at the Pentagon near Washington, DC, and in rural Shanksville, Pennsylvania.
Ray Suarez will explore the attitudes of American Muslims, their efforts to get beyond the deep mistrust caused by 9/11 and their perspectives on what the future looks like for them; the story will be shot in Murfreesboro, Tennessee.
Judy Woodruff introduces viewers to a generation of young Americans who know only a post-9/11 world and visits a small town in California that has made extraordinary contributions, in terms of young lives lost, to the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Gwen Ifill will explore a decade of war’s impact on hundreds of thousands of soldiers and their families and the nation’s efforts to care for them.
The broadcast will also include several pieces of a “video quilt” the PBS audience has been invited to help produce, using the "PBS Newshour's" social media sites. If you would like to add your voice, there is still plenty of time.