Hosted by Yul Kwon, of PBS’ "America Revealed," recipients are formally recognized along with interludes of entertainment from the B-Side Players, LEIISA Polynesian Dance Group, San Diego Taiko, San Diego Ballet and Second Avenue Klezmer Ensemble.
The 2011 honorees include: Brandie Taylor, Michelle Parada, Bill Bodry, Pamela Finkel, Rachael Ortiz, Richard Nares, Nicole Murray Ramirez, Dr. Delores Jacobs, Tom Hom, Robin Tarr, Barbara Bry, Kathi Anderson, Jackie Gmach, Dr. Edith Eva Eger, Veverly Anderson, and Martha and Theophilus Logan.
If you are interested in nominating someone special in the community please visit and click on the "NOMINATE A HERO NOW!" button.