In 2012, all eyes are on Queen Elizabeth II, Britain’s second longest-reigning monarch, as England marks her Diamond Jubilee. In the wake of the celebration of her 60 years as British monarch, Sir Trevor McDonald’s QUEEN & COUNTRY, a new four-part series premiering nationally on Sundays, July 1, 8, 15 and 22, 2012 at 8 p.m., offers viewers a look at the customs surrounding the monarchy – from the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace to the Queen’s royal visits – and a glimpse of the greatest historic royal places.
It is still the center of a working monarchy. Join Sir Trevor McDonald as he reports on the tradition of Changing the Guard at Buckingham Palace and visits Horseguards to meet the man who is in charge of the troops who guard the queen.
"Royal Visit" airs Sunday, July 8, 2012 at 8 p.m. - The Queen’s year is driven by her diary — and has been since her accession in 1952. See her in Scotland at the Braemar Gathering (which she has attended 70 times) and follow her on a visit to Liverpool – the sort of regional trip that happens every week but attracts little publicity. View unique 3D footage of the young queen, shot in 1953 and held by the British Film Institute.
The queen also owns the Tower of London — part of a collection of Historic Royal Palaces. Not forgetting the Royal Collection — to which she has added nearly 150 portraits over the past six decades — follow the process used to create one of the most unusual.
"Traveller" airs Sunday, July 22, 2012 at 8 p.m. - The queen is head of the 16 realms that make up the Commonwealth. In Perth, Western Australia, Queen Elizabeth is on tour before opening the Heads of Government Meeting, which is especially important for the monarchy.
The Commonwealth countries are being asked to change the rules of succession so that a first-born girl may inherit the crown. If it’s approved, it will be the single biggest change to the monarchy for centuries. At the age of 85, the queen remains undaunted by long-haul travel — as this program shows.
Watch Queen and Country - Preview on PBS. See more from pbs.