Filmed simultaneously from dawn until dusk on November 19, 2010, by a dozen documentary film crews scattered across the Golden State, it follows a remarkable ensemble of entrepreneurs, daredevils, entertainers, scientists, politicians, chefs and technologists who are pushing the bounds of the possible as they strive to make their dreams a reality.
The film includes profiles of world-class rock-climbers Tommy Caldwell and Kevin Jorgeson, singer-songwriter Liz Phair, botanist Steve Sillett, legendary skateboarder Bob Burnquist, chef Susan Feniger, NBA all-star turned politico Mayor Kevin Johnson, Patagonia founder Yvon Chouinard, Academy Award-winning special effects designer Bran Ferren and others who personify California's adventurous and innovative spirit.
"Dreamland" is a living, breathing snapshot of what drives ordinary people to achieve extraordinary things.
This program originally aired in 2012.