Treasure hunters embark on an antiques adventure in MARKET WARRIORS, a new series from the producers of ANTIQUES ROADSHOW, the hit PBS series and forerunner of television’s antiques and collectibles genre. In MARKET WARRIORS, expert shoppers scour flea markets across the country for vintage valuables, selling their finds at auction with an eye towards maximizing profit.
In each episode, four pickers travel to different markets across the country to purchase items with a set amount of money, and use their knowledge and skills to see who can make the most profit at auction.
"Antiquing In Liberty, N.C." - This week on MARKET WARRIORS, the pickers travel to Liberty, North Carolina, to the Liberty Antique Festival where twice a year, more than 400 dealers pack a farm with antiques and collectibles.
The challenge to find a 20th-century American item puts one of the pickers up against the clock. One picker’s decision not to budge from a bottom line price point is a game changer.
Off-screen host Mark L. Walberg injects quick wit as a rainstorm creates an added challenge for the pickers. Some key finds include two cast iron doorstops, a blanket chest and a metal folk art box.
The warriors are additionally challenged when they have less than 24 hours between market and their items hitting the auction block at Ken Farmer Auctions in Radford, Virginia.
Past episodes of MARKET WARRIORS are available for online viewing. MARKET WARRIORS is on Facebook, and you can follow @Market_Warriors on Twitter. Follow MARKET WARRIORS on Pinterest. Ken Farmer Auctions is on Facebook.
Watch Sending Objects to an Online Auction on PBS. See more from Market Warriors.
Watch Meet MARKET WARRIORS' Newest Picker, Bene Raia on PBS. See more from Market Warriors.
Watch Market Warriors - Behind the Scenes with John Kalish on PBS. See more from Market Warriors.