Hopi Outraged Over Auction Of Religious Items
A Paris auction house plans to sell 70 sacred Native American artifacts. The northern Arizona Hopi Tribe is outraged and wants them back.
The Hopi call them Katsina friends and they are treated as such. The Hopi people use them in ceremonies and dances to call upon the spirits to bring them rainfall, healing and protection.
Associated Press To No Longer Use 'Illegal Immigrant'
In a blog post on the Associated Press website, Senior Vice President and Executive Editor Kathleen Carroll made the announcement the organization would no longer use the term "illegal immigrant."
The Stylebook no longer sanctions the term “illegal immigrant” or the use of “illegal” to describe a person. Instead, it tells users that “illegal” should describe only an action, such as living in or immigrating to a country illegally.
Our Editor Changes Our Policy As Well:
"On the Fronteras Desk we have continued to use that term in our coverage because, simply, it was a widely accepted shorthand way to describe more than 11 million people who had arrived or stayed without proper documentation. Also, any change in terms ran the risk of sounding as if we were pandering to one side of the debate or the other. But, finally, the AP has made it easy: an “immigrant” cannot be illegal, only his or her actions."
Arizona Town OKs Gay Civil Unions
The tiny town of Bisbee voted Tuesday night to become the first city in Arizona to allow civil unions for gay couples.
But just hours before the city council met to vote, Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne had already sent in his opposition. Horne called same-sex civil unions unconstitutional and said he would fight the city.

From Mónica Ortiz Uribe: You may have read about the tough times in Juárez: a wave of horrific drug violence sweeping up eight lives a day via massacres, daylight shootings and beheadings. I've written about it more times than I care to admit. But I've also written about how, in the last two years, the city is slowly healing.
Saturday night at the Kentucky Club was just another affirmation of a Juárez comeback.
New Drone Radar Reveals Border Patrol 'Gotaways' In High Numbers
As Congress once again takes up immigration reform, Obama administration officials and others have pointed to the lowest levels of unauthorized border crossers — as measured by Border Patrol apprehensions — and plummeting crime statistics on the U.S. side as proof that their methods are working.
But the U.S. Border Patrol has caught a fraction of the border crossers spotted by a sophisticated sensor mounted on unmanned spy aircraft and flown over remote stretches of desert, casting doubts on claims that the area is more secure than ever, according to documents obtained by the Center for Investigative Reporting.