Supporters of the Del Mar boardwalk through the San Dieguito Lagoon are pleased with a compromise reached with California Coastal Commission staff to let a portion of the walk way remain.
The commission had failed to approve a request to leave the boardwalk once a major wetlands restoration project is complete near the Del Mar Fairgrounds.
Trish Boaz, with the San Dieguito River Valley Conservancy, said between 500 and 600 feet of the 1,200-foot boardwalk will remain, along with a viewing platform.
“There were risks going to the Coastal Commission again and being denied," Boaz said. "So, by having this 500 feet of boardwalk remaining, people will still have the ability to go out on the viewing platform and having the wetlands around them.”
The remaining boardwalk will connect with a new part of the Coast to Crest trail that will run along Jimmy Durant Boulevard, Boaz said.
As part of the agreement, the 22nd District Agricultural Association will pay for the removal of the other part of the boardwalk, along with some of the parking lots at the Del Mar Fairgrounds.
It’s part of a historic agreement reached between the Coastal Commission and the Fairgrounds in 2012 to restore several hundred acres of wetlands near the mouth of the San Dieguito River.
Southern California has lost more than 75 percent of its original coastal wetlands, which are called a rare and vital part of the coastal ecosystem.