Sullivan Solar Power is donating $500 to the local Sierra Club chapter every time a club member installs a new solar system and mentions the partnership.
The relationship carries the chance to raise significant money for the local chapter, which would use that money to bolster education and other local programs.
“We want everybody to declare an energy independence from SDG&E and to go solar to help us better the environment and better our quality of life here in San Diego,” said Richard Miller, development director for the San Diego chapter of the Sierra Club.
Miller said the local utility does not do enough on the renewable energy front, but San Diego Gas and Electric’s Joe Britton disagreed.
“We currently offer our customers 43 percent renewable energy. That’s compared to the national average of about eight percent. And we are well on our way to meeting or exceeding the state’s goal of 50 percent by the year 2030,” Britton said.
The Sierra Club has 16,000 members in San Diego County.
The arrangement was vetted by the group’s national organization.