In the final installment of Midday Edition's first summer music series we hear from one of San Diego's finest bluegrass bands. Prairie Sky stopped by the KPBS studio to perform and talk about Appalachian music.
Palm trees, surfboards and Mexican food don’t exactly conjure up images of Appalachia and dueling banjos, but if you look hard enough, you can find a thriving bluegrass music scene right here in our backyard.
As part of the Midday Edition summer music series, Dwight Worden, Avery Ellisman, Ramona Ault and Jeff Smith, members of the bluegrass band, Prairie Sky stopped by the KPBS studio to perform and talk about Appalachian music.
RELATED: Midday Edition Summer Music Series
Prairie Sky will perform on Sunday, Sept. 15 at the Train Song Festival in Poway.
VIDEO: San Diego Bluegrass Band Prairie Sky Performs In The KPBS Studio