This year, the San Diego Veterans Day Parade, which takes place on Thursday starting at 11:00 a.m. from Cedar Street & Pacific Highway, is honoring Cold War veterans. The three grand marshals are Cdr Eddie Murphy, USN Ret., representing the Pueblo Incident, Col Clark Kholos, USAF Ret., representing the U-2 Incident, and JOCM Joe Ciokon, USN Ret., representing the Beirut Incident. Honorary grand marshals include all veterans that served during the Cold War, from Sept. 2, 1945 - Dec. 26, 1991. If you are interested in participating as an honorary grand marshal visit the parade website and fill out the form. From the website:
You can download the parade route map here. For general information about the parade, parking, the trolley, and bus lines, as well as forms and information for donors, volunteers and participants, click here.