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Camp Pendleton Marines Get Schooled on Don't Ask, Don't Tell

It's back to school today for many Camp Pendleton Marines, as they attend the final segment of training on the particulars of the Don't Ask, Don't Tell repeal, according to the Associated Press. The news wire reports the 1st Marine Logistics Group will learn about the correct way to react to different scenarios they might encounter when Don't Ask, Don't Tell is fully repealed.

The Orange County Register has the details as to exactly what these scenarios might entail. Basically, once the repeal is fully enacted, a Marine cannot get a fellow Marine punished for exhibiting public displays of affection off base and in civilian clothing. It's also OK for a member of the military to participated in a gay pride parade without facing sanctioned retribution. The Marines released the training materials they will use in today's class, and you can read them by clicking here. You can also check out the power-point presentation the Marines will watch by clicking here.