J.J. Abrams, best known as the man behind the hit TV shows "Lost" and "Alias," has a highly-anticipated sci-fi movie coming out in a few days. Called "Super 8," it's the story of a group of small town kids in the 1970s who uncover a possible alien invasion while making a Super 8 movie.
The United States Air Force plays a somewhat nefarious role in "Super 8." A train crash at the center of the movie's action starts a chain-reaction of terrifying events - and it turns out the train was carrying top-secret U.S. Air Force cargo.
But Abrams tells Fox News his film is not meant to be anti-military:
Abrams told the Associated Press he was inspired by rumors that the U.S. Air Force moved contents of an alleged UFO crash from Area 51 in the 1970s.
The movie officially opens June 10, although Twitter followers can buy tickets to see "Super 8" a day early by clicking on the hash tag #Super8Secret. You can take a sneak peak of the movie here, courtesy of the AP: