The Department of Defense Dependents Schools system will "just say no" to D.A.R.E., with plans to phase out the anti-drug program in the 2013-14 school year, according to the Stars and Stripes.
Connie Gillette, a Department of Defense Education Activity spokeswoman, told the Stars and Stripes that D.A.R.E. strained base military personnel resources. Gillette said DODEA schools will replace D.A.R.E. with another program:
“DODEA is developing an integrated, research-based substance abuse and violence prevention instructional program for elementary and secondary students."
D.A.R.E., developed almost twenty years ago as a method of teaching kids about the dangers of drugs, has always had its share of controversy. According to Stars and Stripes:
There have been several high-profile studies that suggest the program doesn’t have much impact on children’s and teen’s drug use. A 2001 U.S. surgeon general report said children who participate in the program are as likely to use drugs as those who do not participate.
Have your kids participated in D.A.R.E.? Do you think it worked?