California Gov. Jerry Brown signed his realignment plan into law this week – even though his proposed funding source remains stuck in the legislature. Now law enforcement groups are a bit nervous.
The governor wants to shift several public safety programs, like responsibility for low-level offenders, from the state to counties. Nick Warner with the California State Sheriffs’ Association said his group supports realignment.
“Right now, we have the shift of responsibilities without the money,” Warner said. “We’re real concerned about it.”
So the governor stopped by a conference of law enforcement groups near the Capitol to assure them that funding is on the way.
“The realignment is not going into effect unless we get the money,” Brown said. “And we’re not gonna get the money unless the people vote for it.”
And that can’t happen unless Brown finds four Republican lawmakers to support sending his proposed tax extensions to voters. To that end, the governor urged the public safety officials to “hug a Republican” as they headed over to the Capitol to lobby.