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Poll Shows Big Bump For Fletcher

Poll Shows Big Bump For Fletcher
A new poll out today shows mayoral candidate Nathan Fletcher’s decision to leave the Republican Party may be playing well with voters.

A new poll out today shows mayoral candidate Nathan Fletcher’s decision to leave the Republican Party may be playing well with voters.

The SurveyUSA poll was commissioned by KPBS media partner 10 News yesterday after state Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher announced he was leaving the Republican Party and becoming an independent. The poll found the move garnered Fletcher an 8 percent increase in support among those surveyed.

SurveyUSA Poll
Survey conducted by 10 News and SurveyUSA.
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The poll did not compare Fletcher’s ratings to the other major candidates in the race. But a poll by SurveyUSA in February put Fletcher in fourth place with 13 percent of the vote. It put Councilman Carl DeMaio in first place with 25 percent of the vote.


In a statement about today’s poll, DeMaio’s campaign questioned its legitimacy.

District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis declined to respond to the poll. Congressman Bob Filner did not comment in time for this story.

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