The father of 14-year-old murder victim, Amber Dubois, has returned to Sacramento to seek more state legislation he says will protect children.
After his daughter was kidnapped and murdered by a sex offender two years ago Moe Dubois formed an organization called "More Kids." He said its goal is to protect other kids from his daughter’s fate. This year he’s backing a handful of bills. One would require certain convicted sex offenders to carry specially marked driver’s licenses.
"We just want law enforcement to be able to recognize, if randomly at a checkpoint pulls over someone, and this person is known to be a threat to a child and he’s sitting next to a four-year-old little boy it’s gonna hopefully cause that law enforcement officer to raise at least the question, who’s this child with you?" Dubois said.
Another measure backed by Dubois would require law enforcement to provide notification to neighbors who live within 1,000 feet of a sex offender.