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Public Safety

Californians Still Talking, Texting While Driving

A new study finds about 9 percent of California drivers either talk or text on the road. Researchers for the state’s Office of Traffic Safety observed drivers at 130 intersections in 17 counties statewide.

Chris Cochran with the office says the findings are cause for great concern. “Those people who are using their cell phone – especially hand held and especially texting are really putting themselves and the rest of us in danger,” said Cochran.

According to the survey about 3 percent of drivers were using a handheld phone. About 5 percent were using a Bluetooth or headset and nearly two percent were texting or using a mobile device in some other way.


It is illegal to text or talk on a hand-held phone while driving in California. However drivers can talk on a cell phone while using a headset or Bluetooth device.

KPBS has created a public safety coverage policy to guide decisions on what stories we prioritize, as well as whose narratives we need to include to tell complete stories that best serve our audiences. This policy was shaped through months of training with the Poynter Institute and feedback from the community. You can read the full policy here.