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Quality of Life

Resources to cope with San Diego's cost of living

Over the last year, KPBS has been talking to community members and listening to their concerns through an initiative called KPBS Listens.

Many of you pointed to the same issue: the high cost of living.

The rapid increase in expenses, like rent, transportation and childcare, were some of your top concerns. Meanwhile, your wages aren't keeping up.


According to a recent report out of Chapman University, San Diego is the 10th least affordable housing market in the world.

On Wednesday, June 26, KPBS hosted a live panel discussion to address community concerns about the high cost of living in San Diego.

As part of that discussion, we've compiled a list of resources available for residents in the region.

If you know of a resource you think we should add, give us a call at (619) 452-0228.

General Resources

Call 211


This nonprofit organization is a hotline with operators available 24/7 in more than 150 languages to connect residents with local support. 211 maintains a database of more than 6,000 available services. These include food services, housing support, utility payments, disaster assistance and more.


Housing Instability Prevention Program

Helps pay rent and other housing-related costs for families with low income in the city of San Diego. Subsidies can be $250, $500 or $700 per month, depending on the household's circumstances. Households that need assistance can call (619) 578-7768, SDHC’s HOUSING FIRST – SAN DIEGO hotline.

Shallow Rental Subsidy Program (55+)

Pilot program providing a rental subsidy to seniors at risk of homelessness. Eligible adults 55+ receive $500 a month towards rent for 18 months.

To apply, email your full name and contact information to or call 619-980-4168. Application assistance and translation services will be provided.

Countywide Affordable Housing Directory

A list of affordable complexes, including contact information.

Casa Familiar

Operates over 1,200 affordable housing units in San Ysidro. Advocates for arts and culture spaces, climate resiliency and permanent affordable housing solutions. For inquiries about affordable housing opportunities, email

Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher

Eligible families can get a portion of their rent paid to their landlord by the county. The owner of the unit must be willing to participate in the program. A list of participating landlords and units is available here.

The waitlist for Section 8 can be 10+ years in San Diego.

San Diego Housing Commission Rental Housing Assistance Wait List

Provides rental assistance to households with low incomes in San Diego. Seniors and individuals with disabilities make up more than half of SDHC’s rental assistance households.

The average wait list to receive federal rental assistance through SDHC is 12-15 years.

Food assistance


Supports people with low-incomes who meet federal income eligibility rules. CalFresh offers financial support to make healthy and nutritious food more accessible. They offer expedited services which allows eligible people to receive CalFresh within three days.

San Diego Food Bank

The San Diego Food Bank partners with over 500 local organizations to assist local families experiencing food insecurity. Their website offers a GPS food locator map to help people find the nearest community partner participating in food distributions.

Catholic Charities Diocese of San Diego

Emergency Food Distribution Network distributes food for individuals who meet set federal guidelines determined by household size and income. Distribution locations available throughout San Diego County.

Jewish Family Service Nutrition Assistance

Operates a point-based grocery store, β€˜The Corner Market,’ including produce, prepared meals, hygiene, baby items and occasionally pet food. They also offer community food distributions weekly throughout San Diego County.


SANDAG Vanpool Program

Van sharing program for groups of five or more to commute to work. The Vanpool program also offers subsidies to offset vehicle lease costs. Submit a Vanpool Interest Form.

Call (619) 710-4009 or email for more information.

Jewish Family Service 'On The Go' Transportation

Offers individual rides to medical and personal appointments. Riders receive up to eight rides a month. Rides must be reserved at least one week in advance.

San Diego County Senior Transportation Program

Free transportation for San Diegans 60+ whose household income is at or below the San Diego County area median income.


SDG&E discount programs

These discount programs offered at SDG&E focus on support with utility bills. A couple of the programs available are the 30% CARE energy bill discount and 18% FERA energy bill discount. Applicants must already participate in certain public assistance programs or meet the income guidelines.

Child care

Child Care San Diego

Connects families to agencies with subsidized child care assistance. Fill out an application and get connected with agencies including the Neighborhood House Foundation, YMCA Childcare Resource Service, and Child Development Associates.

Children's Home Society of California Child Care Payment Program

Provides subsidized child care services to eligible families through Alternative Payment Program, CalWORKs and Family Child Care Home Education Network.

Voucher-based child care

There are a series of subsidized child care and development programs in California. The above website gives an overview of the different kinds of vouchers available to access child care.


Family Health Centers of San Diego

Provides affordable health care and supportive services to uninsured, low-income and medically underserved persons. Call (619) 515-2300 to schedule an appointment or learn more about services available.

San Ysidro Health

Offers services and programs for specific patient populations, including seniors, teens, people living with HIV, and the LGBTQ+ community.

Project Access San Diego

Provides care for low-income, uninsured individuals and connects families to healthcare services at no cost to qualifying San Diego County residents.

Senior services

Serving Seniors

Provides wraparound services to seniors, including nutritious meals, housing, health and social services, lifelong learning and advocacy opportunities. Call (619) 235-6572.

Multipurpose Senior Services Program (MSSP)

Care managers coordinate with clients, their families and health care teams to identify and coordinate support services at home, such as paying bills and shopping.


RideFACT is a service for seniors (60+) and people with disabilities who don't have adequate transportation options available. They offer affordable ride service that take participants directly from their homes to their destination.

Aging & Independence Services (AIS)

San Diego County program offering information and assistance for older adults, those living with disabilities, caregivers and family members. Elder and dependent adult abuse support also available.

AIS Call Center: 800-339-4661; available 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday.

Elder Law and Advocacy Center

Helps disadvantaged older people with issues like elder abuse, nursing home abuse and neglect. Call the San Diego office at (858) 565-1392.

ElderHelp of San Diego

Provides seniors with housing support, including a home-share program and other services including transportation, home safety and maintenance, care coordination and a food pantry. Call 619-284-9281.

Financial support

CalWORKs and Employment Services

CalWORKs offers temporary financial aid to eligible families with young children. The amount of cash assistance a family receives each month depends on the number of family members and income.

San Diego County General Cash Relief

Provides temporary cash assistance for eligible county residents who have no other means of support. Any aid received must be repaid to the county. Completed hours of required job training may count toward repayment of the debt.

For more information call 1-866-262-9881.

United Way of San Diego Tax Assistance

Offers free tax preparation assistance and education about tax credits to local families with low to moderate income. Call 211 to see if you qualify and make an appointment.

Accion Opportunity Fund

Supports women and people of color who own small businesses with business coaching and small business loans.

Veterinary Financial Assistance

A resource provided by the San Diego Humane Society listing organizations offering financial assistance for veterinary care.

Technology assistance


Connects families in under-resourced communities to affordable internet service, computers and digital skills training.

Library resources

Discover & Go

A program under the San Diego County Library offering free day passes to museums and other attractions with a library card.

San Diego Public Library

Offers several resources including fitness classes and museum passes with a library card.

Community groups

Buy Nothing Facebook Groups

A Facebook group where things are given away for free, nothing is sold or bought.

San Diego Mutual Aid Board

A Facebook group that shares resources and works to provide a space for support. Specific requests for help are also welcome.

We All We Got SD β€” Mutual Aid

Provides food distribution and connections to resources to community members in need of support for housing, childcare, pregnancy, transportation and much more.

If you know of a resource you think we should add, give us a call at (619) 452-0228.