Phone numbers with the 619 area code are running out in San Diego. In response, the California Public Utilities Commission last year announced it would remove the boundary between the 619 and 858 area codes.
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That means more 858 numbers will start to be issued across San Diego. For wireless phones with 619 and 858 area codes — starting Saturday, May 19 — people will need to dial the area code for local calls. For landlines, it means people will need to add four extra digits when making calls to 619 or 858 area codes.
"Say, for example, you live in 619 and you want to make a call to your friend who lives down the street — today you just have to dial the seven-digit phone number," said Cox Communications spokeswoman Ceanne Guerra. "But, beginning May 19, you’re going to have to dial one and the area code."
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The CPUC said automatic dialers including alarm systems, life safety systems and fax machines may need to be reprogrammed.