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Cinema Junkie by Beth Accomando


WALL-E and cockroach buddy. (Disney/Pixar)

If you are planning some family time this 4th of July weekend, there's actually a film that might make everyone happy - the latest Pixar/Disney venture WALL-E (opened June 27 throughout San Diego). The story is simple and sweet enough to keep the youngest family members happy yet the animation and storytelling is sophisticated enough to impress the adults. And, if I'm to go by what the KPBS Teen Critics have to say, WALL-E serves up a love story that teenage girls AND boys can both embrace. Now that's no easy feat.

July 08, 2008 at 07:35 AM
While I love the beginning of the movie and even after Wall-E went to space, I agree that the movie was more problematic once the human was introduced. It took too many shortcuts (a lot of 2001 in it) and turned in conventional chase sequences. It was much much better with the non-dialogue filled moments. Even the ending was pushing for a higher note until the happy end ruined it. Still overall a good watch with the short 'Presto' a must-see. And, btw, I love Short Circuit, not a great movie but how could you not fall for Johnny 5.


M. H. Santelli
July 26, 2008 at 04:38 PM
Before going to see the movie, I wanted to check out some reviews...yours was the most succinct! Thanks.

December 15, 2008 at 06:36 PM
I/m in Iran.I can't watch Wall-E yet.I read aboat it's story.It was so interesting & exciting for me.I will watch it ,certainly..

March 19, 2009 at 12:34 PM
Alright, Wall-e is a wonderful movie and a wonderful character. You have to be a heartless villian to not like it. Second, Short Circuit is just as wonderful in its own way. I do not like how Wall-e is supposed to have "brought back bad memories of Short Circuit." Johnny Five is in some ways just as sweet and innocent as Wall-e.

Beth Accomando
March 19, 2009 at 03:27 PM
I'll give you that Johnny Five is almost as cute as Wall-E but as a movie, Short Circuit was pretty lame. So the bad memories are not of the cute little robot but the film. I was actually surprised that Wall-E looked so close to the Short Circuit bot, so close as to be ripping it off without giving credit.


March 23, 2009 at 07:49 PM
On the other hand, Short Circuit was made before I was born and used most of their budget on J-5. You have to take that into consideration when you try to compare it to a modern Disney/Pixar movie with the kind of budget that goes with it. Did you ever see Wargames? Horrible by today's standards, but it was great in the old days. Maybe I'm just a sappy person, but I did like the movie. I will admit that J-5 sold the movie (along with Ben and his metaphor mix-ups). I love both robots and both movies.