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Citizen Voices

Who Owns the Net?

If there is something that scares me more than Geraldine Ferraro’s dimness, it’s the thought of losing my free and open internet.
Unfortunately, there is a very real threat that this could, in fact, happen.    

I just read an amazing book called Smart Mobs “The Next Social Revolution” by Howard Rheingold . Until two weeks ago, I would have described myself as “computer literate”. Now, after reading Rheingold, I feel as if I have been walking around with half a brain for the last two decades.

Rheingold describes the social, psychological, and philosophical transformations our culture is undergoing in this age of instant wireless access. Heck, I was just trying to stay current with my software and upgrade my computers as they became obsolete. 


Now it’s obvious that we are deep in this renaissance, and the prevailing question is: how do we, as human beings, experience it? It’s not enough just to realize that we have the technical capabilities; the most pressing concern is what we do with them, and what kind of society we will become.    

Chuck from Escondido, CA
March 17, 2008 at 07:21 PM
It looks like both Obama and Clinton support net neutrality, while McCain has waivered on the issue. How important is the issue going to be to you in deciding your vote?

Davesnot from Oceanside
March 17, 2008 at 08:24 PM
I support an open, neutral internet.. but my thought is this.. Is there anything that humans have decided to regulate that stays open and neutral?? Sounds to me like the first step in taking something away is to regulate it... I have faith in hackers.. they will find a way around most any roadblock.. I can hang with losing a few hours.. as long as it comes back.. the near-future sci-fi stuff often has the hacker as the hero.. and big business becomes synonymous with government... sound familiar??

March 17, 2008 at 08:29 PM
Absolutely timely content Candace. Don't mess with my wireless! Internet access seems like an easy place for fear-mongering to get the best of people. Fortunately, as your research bears out, so many people rely on and enjoy the benefits of Internet access that taking away those liberties would cause waves. As for Chuck's question about candidate choices, this issue is pretty important to me for some of the same 1st Amendment reasons Candace points out. I doubt that McCain would add to his platform the "shut down the Internet" proposition. Republicans value their wireless as much as anyone! So I'm not sure how we can find out which one of the candidates is a die-hard civil libertarian....


Chuck from Escondido, CA
March 18, 2008 at 01:56 AM
Alma - Interesting the difference between the civil libertarian (with a presumed emphasis on free speech) and a plain ol' libertarian (with a presumed belief in supremacy of the market). Traditionally I would have thought McCain the leader on both categories for this issue, but I'm not so certain this year.

Tim from Los Angeles
March 18, 2008 at 06:52 PM
You raise an important point that deals directly with the potential loss of a wide array of freedoms we take for granted. The job at hand is to keep the corporations from taking control and at the same time to keep the government from taking control as well.

Peter Honan
March 20, 2008 at 02:24 PM
I'm not sure if this is where I would put my 2 cents in but something is bothering me concerning the controversy over statements by Rev. Wright- On December 13, 2001, on the 700 club- Rev. Jerry Falwell said the following "God continues to lift the curtain and allow the enemies of America to give us probably what we deserve." In what way is this different from Rev. Wright's statements? Is this not also a damming of America? How was this spiritual advisor to Bush, McCain and the right able to continue in the public spotlight after such a statement? Yes he did give a phony apology afterward but its strange how religious figures on the right are quickly forgiven for such outlandish statements but figures on the left are not. Peter Honan Teacher of Government 4554 Orchard Ave. San Diego CA 92107 (619) 507-5776