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Indictments to be released in city's fiscal crisis investigation

Indictments in the federal criminal investigation of San Diego's fiscal crisis are expected to come out in December. KPBS Reporter Amita Sharma has more.

Indictments in the federal criminal investigation of San Diego's fiscal crisis are expected to come out in December. KPBS Reporter Amita Sharma has more.

Sources say U.S. Attorney Carol Lam plans to bring charges before the end of the year. A federal grand jury has been looking into the city's retirement system for nearly two years. The system has a $1.4 billion deficit.

The focus of that part of the probe includes a 2002 deal between the pension board and the city council. In the agreement, the board allowed the city to delay a balloon payment into the troubled pension system. And in return, the city boosted benefits for employees six of whom were on the pension board at the time.


The federal grand jury is also investigating possible public corruption and practices in the city's water department.

The term of the grand jury expires in January but the U.S. Attorney's office can get a six month extension. Amita Sharma, KPBS News.