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Coretta Scott King dies near Rosarito Beach

Coretta Scott King, the wife of slain civil rights leader Martin Luther King Junior, died this morning at a holistic health center near Rosarito Beach south of San Diego. Preparations are underway to

Coretta Scott King, the wife of slain civil rights leader Martin Luther King Junior, died this morning at a holistic health center near Rosarito Beach south of San Diego. Preparations are underway to bring her body to the United States. KPBS Reporter Amy Isackson has details.

Coretta Scott King died at the Hospital Santa Monica about fifteen miles south of San Diego. She'd been in poor health recently and missed the annual King holiday celebration in Atlanta earlier this month.

The Mexican health center offers alternative treatments for life-threatening diseases, including what they call life extension therapies.


The U.S. consulate and a Tijuana funeral home are arranging for King's body to be brought to the United States this afternoon.

Lorena Blanco is the spokeswoman for the U.S. consulate.

Blanco: "The American Consulate out of respect for King and her family we're trying to make sure everything is handled in a more speedy way."

Blanco says transferring a U.S. citizen's body across the border typically takes one or two days. Amy Isackson, KPBS News.