The Senate passed its version of lobbying reform this afternoon. Now it will move to the House. But reform advocates say the bill does not go far enough. Both California senators voted for the bill. Laura Strickler has more from Capitol Hill.
Despite corruption scandals, lobbying reform has lost steam on Capitol Hill. The Senate rushed through the issue - limiting debate to under a day. Arizona republican senator John Mccain pushed for more changes in federal funding requests or earmarks. He says they were at the heart of the Randy Duke Cunningham scandal.
[cut: McCain ripping them off. SOQ]
The people of this country deserve to know who is putting in these projects in the middle of the night as a former member of congress did named cunningham, ripping them off
An amendment to force lawmakers to publicly identify all earmarks they request was tabled. Instead, the final bill would only require lawmakers to disclose requests for non-federal earmarks. From Capitol Hill, Laura Strickler, KPBS News.