The San Diego County Regional Airport Authority is chewing over the final report from a consulting team during its meeting this hour. KPBS Reporter Beth Ford Roth says some board members were unhappy with the consultants report on
expanding Lindberg Field.
Consultants basically said there are significant terrain constraints on both sides with Lindberg. You could add a runway but it's basically going to be a struggle. Any sort of sort of concept you could come up with that Lindberg is just not feasible for a future airport. And some board members expressed disappointment with that, the wanted more creative thinking they said.
They felt that the technology of the future should be applied, that possibility could make Lindberg feasible, however another board member William Lynch said we need an airport not just for the next 20-30 years but for the next 100 years, and if you're looking at that, we need a different site, Lindberg is just not going to cut it.
KPBS Reporter Beth Ford Roth at the San Diego County Airport Authority meeting. The authority is now hearing about the military options for replacing Lindberg Field. The board plans to make its site selection by June 5 and put the choice to voters in November.