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Prop 82 rejected, preschool advocates still hopeful

Preschool advocates in San Diego County are saying all is not lost on Proposition 82 - the universal preschool initiative that was soundly rejected by county voters Tuesday. KPBS Reporter Ana Tintocal

Preschool advocates in San Diego County are saying all is not lost on Proposition 82 - the universal preschool initiative that was soundly rejected by county voters Tuesday. KPBS Reporter Ana Tintocalis has more.

Sixty-five-percent of voters rejected Prop. 82. The measure would have taxed the state's wealthiest residents to provide a free year of preschool to every four-year-old. San Diego County's early education program director Lois Pastore says the measure was defeated because of its price tag, not because of its purpose. She believes residents generally support preschool for all kids.

Pastore: Evidently from the taxpayers perspective and the voters perspective the initiative is not the way to fund preschool. I think the good thing is, there is a recognition that preschool is good and we that need to take a look at how we can do it.


Pastore says the county plans to test a version of a free preschool program for four-year-olds in September. Ana Tintocalis, KPBS News.