This week, committees in the State Senate and Assembly approved two different Democratic plans to overhaul California’s healthcare system. The governor appears unconcerned that both proposals are quite different from his own. KPBS reporter Kenny Goldberg has more.
The Democratic plans seek to expand access to healthcare for more Californians. But they don’t go as far as the governor’s proposal.
Governor Schwarzenegger wants to require all Californians to have insurance. Those who couldn’t afford it would get help from the state.
Sabrina Lockhart is the governor’s deputy press secretary. She says the goal of all of the plans is the same.
Lockhart : We want comprehensive healthcare reform done this year. The governor’s not concerned about who gets credit for doing it, his top concern is the millions of Californians who live with a failed healthcare system.
The governor wants to fund his reforms in part by making doctors and hospitals pay a portion of their gross income to the state. Neither of the Democratic plans has that requirement.
Kenny Goldberg, KPBS News.