(Photo: Marines guard a vehicle checkpoint in Iraq, Joao Silva/The New York Times/Redux)
Tom Fudge: Ever since the president declared "mission accomplished" in Iraq, the story of that country's continuing problems are related to the insurgency -- some would call it a civil war. But one of the men who helped plan the Iraq war says the possibility of an insurgency was not even considered early on by Army leaders.
That's one of the findings of FRONTLINE producer Michael Kirk, whose latest film, called ENDGAME , airs tonight on Public Television's FRONTLINE . Michael joins me now over the phone to talk about planning for the war, and why we're now seeing an American troops surge, despite the war's unpopularity with Americans.
ENDGAME will air tonight at 10 p.m. on KPBS-TV. That's Channel 15/Cable 11.
- Michael Kirk, producer for FRONTLINE . He is the writer, director, and producer of the film, ENDGAME , which explores the strategy behind the troop surge in Iraq.