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Sans Budget, Lawmakers Grind Into Third Week of New Fiscal Year

Lawmakers are heading into week three of the new fiscal year with no state budget. The stalemate will get an airing this week as Democratic leaders promise a floor vote on their spending plan. Jenny O

Sans Budget, Lawmakers Grind Into Third Week of New Fiscal Year

Lawmakers are heading into week three of the new fiscal year with no state budget. The stalemate will get an airing this week as Democratic leaders promise a floor vote on their spending plan. Jenny O'Mara reports from Sacramento.

Democratic Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez says a two-house conference committee budget proposal reflects how far Democrats are willing to cut spending. He wants a vote and Republicans to weigh in.


Nunez : We also believe it's time for the Republicans to come out of the dark, and say exactly what they want and be specific.

Republican lawmakers say they've suggested more than $2 billion in additional reductions -- called “draconian” by Democratic leaders.

But GOP votes are needed to pass a budget. Senate Republican leader Dick Ackerman says now's the time make some progress on the budget deficit.

Ackerman : If you don't, next year is going to be bad, and next year's an election year, and usually election year budgets are not as good as non-election year budgets.

Assembly Speaker Nunez says he's cancelled his vacation-and warns lawmakers they could be in session every day until a budget is approved.