Hundreds of San Diego students will attend the county's first high school focusing on public safety professions in just a few months. KPBS Reporter Ana Tintocalis has more.
The Center for Public Safety is one of four small schools at the new Lincoln High School in southeast San Diego. Traditional courses will be offered, as well as hands-on programs that expose students to jobs in law enforcement, fire and emergency response. San Diego school trustee Sheila Jackson says the center will bring about change.
Jackson: We have to have citizens who are not breaking the law, but who are part of the law.
San Diego's fire chief approached the school district with the idea. It didn't take long for city leaders to throw in their support. City Councilman Tony Young represents the school's neighborhood. He says students should have jobs waiting for them after they graduate.
Young: Some of these jobs pay close to $100,000. Obviously this is going to be a great opportunity for a lot of young people. So we're very excited about that.
About 400 students will attend the center in September. Ana Tintocalis, KPBS News.