Recent reports of hate crimes in state parks are prompting questions about public safety. A Democratic Assemblyman says he wants to know whether the state can do a better job on that and the reporting of such crimes. From Sacramento, Jenny O'Mara reports.
An alleged hate crime at a Sacramento-area state park prompted the hearing. This past summer a 26-year-old gay man died following what witnesses say was an anti-gay and racially-charged attack.
Gay-rights activist Derrick Lawson says he's noticed an increase in hostility against the gay community.
Lawson : We all as a community talk about it often how uncomfortable we are how scared we are.
Assemblyman Mike Eng says he's concerned about hate crimes in parks. He says it's possible the state could do more to increase safety.
Eng : Whether it's having more officers, whether it's more programs to ask victims to come forward, whether it's doing better data collection. All of these things may require legislation.
Eng says he may introduce legislation to do some of those things next year.