San Diego County held a mass vaccination drill at San Marcos City Hall on Wednesday. It was a test to check the county's ability to respond to an infectious disease outbreak or a bioterrorist attack. KPBS reporter Kenny Goldberg has more.
The drill involved flu shots. Members of the public had to pass through various stations before they received a shot. Health workers pretended to triage people on the way in, and look for signs of adverse reactions on the way out.
Dr. Wilma Wooten is the County's Public Health Officer. She admits the county might not be able to protect the public in all cases.
Wooten : It would depend whether it's a virus or bacterial infection, and whether or not we have antibiotics, or vaccines already available. And if not, then we would have to wait for researchers to develop them.
In a real health emergency, the county would dispense pills or shots at 17 locations. The County believes it could process about a thousand people an hour at each site.
Kenny Goldberg, KPBS News.