(Photo: San Diego Democratic Senator Christine Kehoe talks about protecting state education funding. Ana Tinitocalis/KPBS )
Six of California's Democratic state senators visited a San Diego high school today to talk about how they plan to protect education funding. The Governor is proposing a $4 billion cut to schools. KPBS Reporter Ana Tintocalis has the story.
Senators Don Perata, Denise Moreno Ducheny, Christine Kehoe and Gloria Romero blasted the Governor for making such deep cuts. They also gave a preview of how they will fight those cuts in Sacramento.
Their ideas center on raising revenue. They include closing tax loopholes and increasing sales taxes, tobacco taxes, and taxes on the wealthy. They also want to tax certain services people take advantage of in California.
Perata, who is also the senate president pro tem, says he'll work hard to protect school funding.
Perata: We'll spend as long as we need together to do tax issues, cuts, reforms, so that we can hopefully get a super-majority. I don't think this is going to be an easy thing. It may take us well into the fall to do it.
Perata says the Democratic counter-proposal will come out after the Governor releases his final spending plan in May.
Ana Tintocalis, KPBS News.