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Cinema Junkie by Beth Accomando

Indian Film Festival: Born into Brothels

Born into Brothels
Born into Brothels screens at MoPA, Wednesday May 28 at 7pm. (HBO/Cinemax)

The Indian Film Festival sponsored by the Museum of Photographic Arts and the San Diego Museum of Arts continues on Wednesday May 28 at 7:00pm with the Oscar-winning documentary, Born Into Brothels . The film is an especially apt selection for MoPA to screen since the documentary's focus on photography in India perfectly complements the musuem's current exhibit, Humanitas.

The film focuses on the children of prostitutes in Calcutta's red light district. When Zana Briski went to Calcutta, she intended to photograph women working as prostitutes in the brothels. She was prepared for the difficulty of shooting in places where people wanted their identities kept secret, but she wasn't prepared for all the children.