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Culture Lust by Angela Carone

San Diego Weekend: Obama, An Amazing Sunset, and Arm Wrestling Bands

Did you see the sunset on Sunday night?  It was one of the most beautiful in memory.  I resisted posting more than one sunset photo, which was hard since San Diegans were out there taking a lot of sunset photos.  Here are my favorite images from the weekend:

The Entrance by Stuart Ballew.

 By srosssd.


By Deb_S .  You can see more of her work here .

 Obama Will Take Your Order Now by s myrland .  (Full disclosure: S myrland is the wife of former KPBS General Manager, Doug Myrland)

LocalRed_2 from weMASSIVE .  You can hear Local Red's music here.

Ryan Mission Beach from Mission Beach, San Diego
January 20, 2009 at 06:17 AM
Wow, I was up on the top of Cowles Mountain tonight and indeed, it was the best sunset I can luck would have it - I didn't have my camera so I'm looking around for some photos - it was magnificent!! Thanks for posting yours!