Local Woman Reflects on Her Multicultural Background
Maureen Cavanaugh : One San Diego resident who will be in Washington D.C. tomorrow has taken a long, complicated road to arrive at the inauguration of Barack Obama as President of the United States.
During her lifetime, Dolores Van Rensalier has navigated through the heart of the racial divide in this country. She was raised as a white child in a white family. Then she discovered that one of her great-grandfathers was African American. That information set her on a path of self-discovery that changed her life. Dolores is here to share her journey with us
- Dolores Van Rensalier, San Diego resident who is attending the inauguration of Barack Obama. Dolores is a retired management coordinator for the City of Los Angeles, and is author of "Bridge Street to Freedom: Landmarking a Station on the Underground Railroad."