I have been hosting Cinema Junkie since 2015. The podcast took a quarantine break to retool and returns on July 14.
As far back as I can remember I’ve always been addicted to film whether it’s Martin Scorsese or Monty Python, Paul Newman or Pam Grier, Hong Kong action or film noir. What can I say? I just get high on movies and I have my dad to thank. He kept me home from elementary school one day to watch "On The Waterfront" because he felt it was an important film about power, corruption, and loyalty. That laid the groundwork for me to think about film in a larger context.
I created the podcast to share my addiction with listeners because whether you are a casual filmgoer or a cinephile it’s always fun to talk about movies. I love that unique sense of community that happens when you watch a film in the dark with a bunch of strangers and all cry, laugh or scream at the same time.
Cinema Junkie returns from quarantine break with some exciting new features. It now weighs in at a leaner 30-minute runtime and has new Share Your Addiction and Cold Turkey segments where celebrities and listeners get to rant and rave about movies. Plus, there will be a companion video for each podcast called Geeky Gourmet where I show you how to make a drink or food item themed to the movies discussed in the podcast.
Check out the video I did about preparing Hobbit meals.
For Cinema Junkie I speak with celebrities, scholars, cinephiles and people who just get as intoxicated by films as I do. I still remember making one of my favorite guests, author David F. Walker, purr about Blaxploitation.
"Truck Turner is everything that's great about an exploitation movie. It's just offensive enough and it's just politically incorrect enough. And there's just enough action and sex and violence. And it's just like I watch it and it's like, you know, like I'm like a cat getting its tummy rubbed. I'm just purring sort of like, this is exploitation perfection with Truck Turner," Walker explained.
In honor of Comic-Con, which returns virtually later in July, the theme for this month’s podcasts is a celebration of pop culture. So on July 14, I speak to Arnold T. Blumberg about the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He taught the first college course on that topic. We explore the MCU as well as venture into DC territory. Then on July 28 Cinema Junkie does a crew call to look at the contribution of stunt people with Brad Martin and Mickey Facchinello. You can find the full episodes wherever you listen to podcasts.
To celebrate the return of Cinema Junkie, I am hosting a live Twitch party with neuroscientist and DJ Eric Leonardis, who will spin discs and mix in some quotes from my past interviews. In addition, I will have guests sharing their addiction to film. From San Diego, there will be Ethan Van Thillo of San Diego Latino Film Festival and Miguel Rodriguez of Horrible Imaginings Film Festival, as well as out-of-town guests from Canada, the Twisted Twins Jen and Sylvia Soska, and Brighton, Cinebra's Megan and Sophie.
You can download a pdf of the do-it-yourself Cinema Junkie popcorn box here if you want a craft project before you join the party.