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Elvis and the USS Arizona

USS Arizona benefit concert
Courtesy of American Public Television
"Elvis and The USS Arizona" tells the story of the USS Arizona benefit concert that Elvis performed at the Bloch Arena, Honolulu, Hawaii on March 25, 1961. (seen getting off plane)

Tuesday, Dec. 6, 2022 at 9 p.m. on KPBS TV + Wednesday, Dec. 7 at 4 p.m. on KPBS 2 / On demand now with KPBS Passport!

"Elvis and the USS Arizona" tells the surprising story of how one of music's biggest icons helped to establish a USS Arizona memorial in Pearl Harbor. Elvis’ fundraising concert drew public attention to the plight and helped to galvanize efforts to finish the USS Arizona Memorial as it stands today.

Elvis at the USS Arizona Memorial fundraising concert
Courtesy of American Public Television
Elvis at the USS Arizona Memorial fundraising concert at Bloch Arena, Honolulu, Hawaii on March 25, 1961.

This film is available to watch on demand with KPBS Passport, a benefit for members supporting KPBS at $60 or more yearly, using your computer, smartphone, tablet, Roku, AppleTV, Amazon Fire or Chromecast. Learn how to activate your benefit now.


Presented by WNED / Buffalo Toronto Public Media. Distributed by American Public Television