Stan Winston's dinos made Jurassic Park fun for me (Universal)
This Saturday June 28, Landmark Theaters ' Ken Cinema will host a midnight screening of Steven Spielberg's Jurassic Park. The timing is eerie because special effects wizard Stan Winston , who created the film's wonderfully impressive dinosaurs, just passed away on June 15. I was never a big fan of J urassic Park but I adored the dinos. When the characters run alongside a herd of these majestic beasts, it took my breath away and I wished that I could have joined them. So although the film disappointed, Winston's work never did. So maybe there will be a moment of silence before the midnight screening starts or else everyone will hold up their Bic lighters when the first dino appears as a fitting tribute to the special-effects wizard who felt that "nothing is impossible." Winston also contributed to Terminator, Aliens, Edward Scissorhands and most recently Iron Man. Winston will be missed but his work will continue to dazzle, shock and delight moviegoers for generations to come.