At a Las Vegas, Nevada, magic theater, "Antiques Roadshow" host Mark L. Walberg and appraiser Nicholas Lowery reveal that the artistry — and value — of vintage magic posters is no illusion.
Behind the Scenes in Las Vegas
View photos from "Roadshow's" visit to Las Vegas, Nevada, on August 18, 2007.
Appraisers at the Las Vegas Convention Center don’t need sleight-of-hand techniques to pull amazing discoveries out of the crowd, including drawings by the legendary folk musician Woody Guthrie, given to the owner’s journalist father after an interview with Guthrie; an heirloom early-19th-century tavern clock made by Aaron Willard of the renowned Boston clock manufacturing family; and a fabulous five-carat, Asscher-cut diamond ring, inherited from the owner’s grandfather, owner of a jewelry store/pawn shop in a Colorado mining town. The tearful owner realizes she’s hit pay dirt when the ring is valued at $165,000 to $175,000.
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